As much as everyone loves them, the holidays create increased risk of employer liability and can result in a long list of legal problems for an unprepared employer. Our colleagues over at Employer Law Report have provided their top five holiday headaches for employers and compiled their posts into an eBook with a bonus stocking stuffer FMLA-holiday Q&A.

Check out their post which covers:

  • Avoiding Holiday Party Liability When the Office Santa Tries to Teach His Employees a Few “Reindeer Games”;
  • Being Inclusive Without Being A Grinch;
  • “Holiday Attire” Does Not Include “Beer Goggles”;
  • Holiday Pay and How Not to Get Scrooged by The FLSA;
  • What if Santa Was the One Who Got Run Over By a Reindeer?; and
  • Three FMLA Stocking Stuffers: How to Avoid a Big Lump of Coal (bonus).